Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Uncle

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It's just that my Uncle Andy has passed away you may have already known that if you read . Yes, the two of us are related. It's very painful and hard to deal with, but I just wanted to say that I will forever and always love him. He was the best father, husband and uncle anyone could ever have. He always put himself last, whether he knew you or not. He would listen to your problems. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep, but then I remember that he is in a better place now. I wrote a poem for him at the funeral. I shared it with my family and friends. Now, I will share it with you.

Uncle Andy
Loving, caring
Kind, sweet-hearted
Will be missed dearly
Doves swooped down
When his time came
Leading angels aplenty
A helping hand
A smooth silk tug
Then on his way to paradise
Standing at the edge of light
Waiting for his loved ones
Oh uncle Andy
Why so soon
Couldn't you stay a bit longer?
The heart ache you left
The love we shall keep
Watch us go on
One day the angels
Shall swooped down beside us
And one by one whisk us away
Then you'll be together
Sitting right there beside her
And watch your A.C.T.
Head on there way.

A.C.T. His children
s o y
h u l
l r e
e t r
y n

We all love you and we will miss you. Forever and always.

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